Essential Business Needs

Always wanted to start a business but don’t know how or where to start? First order of business would be to learn more about whether an LLC is right for you. For that, my office would highly recommend reviewing our LLC Single Member Handbook for the State of IL, available for purchase below. Additionally, a copy of which will be provided by The Law Office of Christopher R. Martin, LLC upon engaging the firm for entity formation services. Please return regularly to this site as this database will be updated with more guides and essential contracts every small business needs.

Legal Disclaimer: By purchasing a template contract and/or document from The Law Office of Christopher R. Martin, LLC, you are not given access to any attorney and no attorney-client relationship is created.

All of our DIY legal template documents and guidebooks are drafted using general contract principles for the State of Illinois. Likewise, any tax advice included in any guidebook is specific to the State of Illinois. Note that these contracts and guidebooks are not specific to every situation. Each individual’s and business’ circumstance may vary. Individuals are encouraged to reach out to an attorney for legal advice specific to their individual circumstances. Likewise, the guidebooks are drafted with general accounting principals in mind and individuals are encouraged to consult with a tax expert for tax advice specific to their needs.